Patty Zebrick, President
Patty is part of the initial driving force behind WOPB and is a founding member. She is a tireless promoter of native plant species and natural landscapes realizing their importance for birds and the environment. She makes up for lost time earlier in life through study and actively seeking the best talent for WOPB to advance the WO mission. Reelected to WOPB’s board of directors in 2023, Patty continues to serve as its President. Her goal is to hand off an organization of advocacy for natives with solid infrastructure and robust programming to future presidents. She is currently involved in WOPB’s work group addressing Events, Education, Outreach, Schools and Youth, Plant Rescue projects and Natives in Local Nursery markets. She has been an active member of the St. Tammany Parish Master Gardener Association since 2020, where she offers talks on the importance of native species. Patty’s skills and experience are proving to be invaluable for WOPB. Thank you, Patty!
Patty’s favorite:
Eryngium yuccifolium, commonly known as rattlesnake master. “I rescued these beauties from a neighborhood ditch, soon to be filled in without regard to the plants. Now these local ecotype Mandeville natives continue to provide a multitude of seeds, for WOPB’s members in the local community where they belong.”